The standard union (threaded connection type) specifications and models are: FIG100, FIG200, FIG206, FIG 400, FIG 402, FIG602, FIG1002, FIG1502, FIG2002; the rated working pressure is 7 MPa (1000 psi)~140 MPa (20000 psi).
The weld union specifications and models are: FIG 20, FIG 60, FIG 1002, FIG 1502, FIG 2002; the rated working pressure is 14 Mpa (2000 psi)~140 MPa (20000 psi).
The anti-H2S weld union specifications and models are: FIG602, FIG1002, FIG1502, FIG2202, Tr120×6, Tr150×6, Tr180×8; the rated working pressure is 35 MPa (5000 psi)~105 Mpa (15000 psi).